Building Bridges,
Passing Batons

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster a dynamic connection between communities and organizations while leveraging data & collective action to advance abolition and policy advocacy within the African diaspora, fostering dynamic community connections.


At Bridges and Batons, our ‘Building Bridges’ initiative is all about creating vital connections between communities and organizations. We forge partnerships and coalitions between like-minded organizations, enabling them to collaborate, share resources, and collectively address community needs. Our focus is on compiling resource sheets with direct points of contact for essential services, ensuring that community members have easy access to the support they require. This initiative plays a critical role in fostering stronger, more resilient communities and empowering individuals to thrive.

Passing Batons

In our ‘Passing Batons’ initiative, we dedicate ourselves to empowering the youth by equipping them with the essential tools and skills required for active engagement in policy and advocacy. Our central theme revolves around creating a lasting legacy, ensuring that the next generation is well-prepared to lead in community organizing. We mentor and guide young leaders, instilling in them the confidence and abilities needed to influence policy, advocate for change, and shape the future of their communities. Through ‘Passing Batons,’ we build a bridge to a more empowered and capable generation, ready to take on the mantle of leadership and leave an indelible mark on society.

Crossing Bridges for a better tomorrow

Bridge of Progress

In our journey, we are constantly driven by the numbers that challenge us to give our very best and break our own records. We are thrilled to witness the growth of our community-driven initiatives day by day. Our strength lies in the collective impact of BIPOC-led organizations within the Bridge Network, our invaluable partnerships with student unions, the ever-increasing number of coalitions we establish, and the expansion of our reach to more cities across the globe. These metrics inspire us to keep pushing forward, reach new heights, and ensure our impact is felt far and wide

BIPOC-Led Orgs
+ 0
National Coaltions
+ 0
Student UNIONS
+ 0
+ 0
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